Tonight's Debate Could Get Rowdy
Tue, 10/30/2007 - 1:24pm
A subtle ramp up is underway in numerous camps concerning the debate tonight (which George will be liveblogging); it may end up as a turning point in the race.
We have seen several stories both from and about Obama that proclaim his time for 'taking the gloves off' has come. Edwards has launched his focused his message on matters of honesty and integrity, which the AP reports are "areas where polling has shown that voters are divided about Hillary Rodham Clinton." Bill Richardson would like everyone to be nice to each other.
Now, from Clinton's camp, comes the message she will be presenting and shaping during this evening's debate, by way of shaping it and projecting it before the debate begins: Mark Penn, in a memo the Politico describes as 'cheeky', takes a stab at redefining the Politics of Hope.
There’s been a lot of chatter lately about the “politics of hope.” But what does the term mean? What are the “politics of hope?”
Does the “politics of hope” mean launching attacks on one candidate? Or does it mean laying out a vision for the American people? Does it mean questioning a rival’s integrity? Or does it mean talking about the change we need?
If you were waiting for the pace and fervor of the debates to pick up a little, tonight may be your night.