TPA Roundup, Week of 1/10/2011
Thu, 01/20/2011 - 9:15am
I might be back, but I'm sure not the only one writing -- and thank goodness, considering the mess that this coming legislative session is going to be. So here's a highlight reel of stories from the rest of your bloggers at the Texas Progressive Alliance.
Off the Kuff wrote about Governor Perry's sanctuary scam and what it says about his priorities.
South Texas Chisme notes that while Perry and his merry band of Republicans play to polluters, the EPA starts doing its job.
Lightseeker over at TexasKaos offers some ideas on how you can become a civility warrior, starting today. Hint: think leading with good values and standing up for what you want among your friends and colleagues. Check out: How to inject civility when Uncle Joe Starts channeling Glen Beck.
This week, McBlogger takes a look at No Labels.
Letters From Texas published a powerful guest editorial from Jeff Rotkoff, on the issue of tea partiers' claims that America is a tyrant state.
Bay Area Houston has a Perfect Picture of Palin, but not for children.
At Capitol Annex, Vince takes a look at the potential contenders for U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison's seat now that her retirement has thrown the doors wide open for the 2012 primary.
After a two-part investigation last year on one town's air quality problems WhosPlayin was happy to report that the Town of Flower Mound is increasing the scope and frequency of its air quality monitoring program as complaints continue by neighbors of natural gas facilities.
On the scene for the 82nd legislative session's opening day, PDiddie managed to defy the Capitol's tech support department with laptop connectivity issues, and then quickly ran his Android's battery down Tweeting. Still, he managed a Brains and Eggs post about the day 24 hours after the fact.
TXsharon catches the Big Gas Mafia telling the truth. Gas does migrate up from the formation and it does so in a big way. Read about it on Bluedaze: DRILLING REFORM FOR TEXAS.
After reading a Texas Tea party blogger who had just attended a Tea Party meeting, Neil at Texas Liberal wrote about the Tea Party vision of America. Will English-only require a federal language bereaucracy? Will deportation of all undocumented person mean government raids in our homes? Does the Ten Commandments posted every public building mean that Christianity can't thrive without government support? Will repeal of Healthcare Reform allow insurance companies to once again cancel policies of people who get sick?
TexasVox reviews the showdown over greenhouse gas permits at an EPA public meeting in Dallas on Friday where over 100 local residents showed up to support the EPA and the Clean Air Act, demanding action on climate change because Rick Perry and TCEQ refuse to follow federal law.