On The Record: Renee Hartley
Thu, 12/27/2007 - 1:00pm
For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Renee Hartley, Regional Director for Region V for the Texas Young Democrats, Vice Chair of Campaigns Committee for the Young Democrats of America, and creator of the Democratic blog Blue Island.
How did you get started in politics? Did you come to it in your youth or later on?
I was one of those kids who went straight to the library on her 18th birthday and registered to vote. I got my first taste of politics when the attorney I worked for ran for Congress against Joe Scarborough in a small Northwest Florida district. He lost badly, but he put up a good fight and stayed true to his Democratic values. That was my turning point for becoming involved, and I have not stopped since.
Renee Hartley
What was your personal progression from the role of activist to the role of regional director for the Texas Young Democrats?
I was active in the local Dallas County Young Democrats chapter, and I saw a chance to be a part of the larger picture.
One of the major responsibilities of the Regional Director is to help start local chapters and become active in the State chapter. I wanted to help young people realize they have a voice and they can do something about the issues that are important to them.
What would you say are the primary issues concerning your area of Dallas County?
I live in the southern part of Dallas County, and one of the primary issues we are facing is the current dip in the housing market. Many of my neighbors are losing their homes due to Adjustable Rate Mortgages.
It has such a drastic effect on the entire community. It trickles down from a decreased tax base all the way to a lack of funding for public education and public works. Families are hurting, our communities are suffering and we must do something to make them strong again.
Do you have any ambition for higher office? Do you have plans to run for any other party office, or possibly even public office?
I do not have plans to seeking public office. I love working behind the scenes. I want to work hard and help get good Democrats elected.
Campaign work is my passion. Party politics is something I am learning a lot about and I do have goals of high office within the Democratic Party structure.
Who are some of your political heroes?
I count all those who struggled through Jim Crow and the Civil Rights movement as my heroes. However, if I had to pick any one person, it would be my grandmother, Sadie Hollingsworth.
She was a teacher in a small Louisiana town. In those days black people had to pass a test in order to vote. Being a teacher she passed easily, but she went back into the community and taught other blacks to pass the test, so they, too, could pass the test and be allowed to vote.
What are you looking forward to in the coming cycle?
The Democratic Party is fortunate to have great candidates this cycle. Anyone of them would make a great president.
I am looking forward to the Democratic National Convention. I do not think we will have a presumptive nominee by February 5th. I think the 2008 convention is going to be akin to the conventions of old, with floor fights and high drama.
On the serious side - I am also looking forward to the healing that this country so desperately needs. When we elect our Democratic President in November ‘08, America will be one-step closer to being a more united country.
What advice would you give to young people just getting into politics?
I would tell anyone just getting into politics to stay encouraged. Do not give in to the temptation of pessimism. It is easy to just throw your hands up and walk away because of Party politics and group politics.
Stay focused on how you are helping to make this country, and ultimately our world, a better place.
Tell us a little bit about the Texas Young Democrats, and what roles you feel like you fulfill in that group, official or otherwise.
The Texas Young Democrats have gathered since 1932 with one thing on our minds: Electing Democrats!
We continue the tradition of bringing young people into the Democratic Party by starting new clubs, educating, promoting, and inspiring youth involvement in the democratic process.
I am comfortable in my role as a leader in Texas Young Democrats. My position as regional director is rewarding. I have my difficulties, but it provides a great sense of accomplishment to know I have been of some help to another young person. I have earned the respect of my peers and I look forward to the few years I have left with Texas Young Democrats.

Renee for VP
By John McClelland
Thu, 12/27/2007 - 5:12pm
Big shout out for Renee's upcoming campaign to be VP of the Dallas County YD.
Renee is the best!
By Sam Jones
Fri, 12/28/2007 - 11:51am
I had the blessing of working with Renee on the Sam Coats campaign. She is such a reliable, hard working, and spirited individual that I just had to log on and give her major props! I have no doubt that she will do very well as Vice President of the DCYDs, as she continues to help lead Dallas County Democratically forward. There is a very bright future ahead for Renee!